Managing saved lists



Saved Lists is a powerful feature designed to help Dealers create, update, and manage lists of products that are commonly purchased together. This guide will walk you through the steps to access, create, update, and delete these lists, ensuring you can make the most of this feature to enhance your customers' shopping experience.

Accessing Saved Lists

  1. Log in to your Dealer Admin account.

  2. In the sidebar, navigate to Dealer Admin > Products > Lists.

  3. You will be directed to the Lists section where you can manage your store-level saved lists.

Viewing Saved Lists

  1. Once in the Lists section, you can view all your store-level product lists.

  2. Click on any list to see detailed information including:

    • List Name: The custom name of the list (e.g., ‘Floor Covering’).

    • Products: Details of each product in the list such as Product Name, SKU, Model Number, Brand, Store Price, Store Availability.

    • Description: A field displayed underneath the List Name on the storefront.

    • Active Status: Indicates if the list is currently active and displayed on the storefront.

Creating a new Saved List

  1. In the Lists section, click on the Create List button.

  2. Fill out the required fields:

    • List Name: Enter a name for your list.

    • Description: Provide a description for the list.

    • Products: Use the search bar to search and add products from your product catalog to the list.

    • Active Status: Use the on/off slider to control the list’s active status.

  3. Once you have added at least one product and filled in the necessary details, click Save.

  4. Note: Lists will be set to ‘Active’ by default.

Updating an existing Saved List

  1. In the Lists section, select the list you want to update.

  2. You can edit the following fields:

    • List Name: Change the name of the list.

    • Description: Update the description field.

    • Products: Add or remove products from the list.

    • Active Status: Toggle the active status to show or hide the list on the storefront.

Deleting a Saved List

  1. In the Lists section, select the list you want to delete.

  2. Click the Delete button.

  3. A confirmation modal will appear. Confirm that you want to delete the list.

Note: Deleting a list will remove it from the storefront.